To avoid schedule conflicts, please indicate specific times ranges. For instance, we offer 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. PST (the latest time slot) for weekly session and/or bi-monthly on a case-by-case basis. Please indicate all days/times you’re available or if you need a flexible schedule so that we can have a therapist who has your availability reach out to you.
Reason for your inquiry and anything details you’d like for us to know as we determine which therapist might be the best fit for your needs. The following details can be extremely helpful: personality type, attachment style, industry you work in, age, gender, sex, ethnicity, race, religious background, any specific clinical experiences you may want your therapist to have experience with such as abuse, family trauma, addictions, infidelity/betrayal, ADHD, challenges related to LGBTQ identity, depression, or anxiety.