COfounders Therapy
For Asian American Founders, Entrepreneurs, & Executives

We offer limited slots of in-person therapy at both our Los Angeles and Pasadena offices in California alongside virtual therapy using a HIPAA-compliant platform for clients who live in the State of California and Washington.
Asian Therapist for Executives, Entrepreneurs, & Founders in Los Angeles, Silicon Valley, & Pasadena, California
Young couple embracing each other
cOfounders therapy
The relationship between cofounders can be just as emotionally draining and demanding as the relationship between family members and partners. As cofounders and entrepreneurs, you both are often working under high levels of stress, managing growing responsibilities and constantly changing roles, and trying to bring your vision to life while struggling to get in a flow state with each other. It’s common for cofounders like you to experience burnout, anxiety, loneliness, imposter syndrome, depression, and difficulties in your relationships with each other, your team, and personal relationships. In cofounders therapy, we provide a safe space for cofounders to acknowledge the unique challenges that you face, such as the stress of securing funding, the isolating nature of leadership, the uncertainty of success, and the many unseen sacrifices you are required to make together. We will explore how the personal aspects of your life impacts your professional leadership style, relationship with each other and the team, communication, stress management, and how you address issues in the workplace. We collaborate with you to offer guidance and strategies to navigate the rollercoaster of emotions and situations throughout your entrepreneural journey.
Topics covered during our sessions will help you:
Improve work-life balance and self-care practices to support your mental health
Explore personality traits and how that impacts your professional relationship
Identify the pattern of conflict that you both get into under high stress
Resolve conflicts and reduce stress
Establish healthy boundaries
Learn mindfulness tools to help you regulate your emotions when they are activated
Enhance leadership skills
Identify communication differences and learn to communicate effectively with each other & your team
Map out how to effectively partner together and support each other on this entrepreneural journey even when life happens, such as grief, divorce, chronic illness, and other life’s challenges
Gain insight into each of your strengths and growth areas
Delegate tasks so that you can take care of your responsibilities even better