Courage Enables Us

Courage is one of the qualities that enables a person to face their pain or grief, rather than seek an immediate escape.  There is an element of power, the assertion of our own control, at play when we are confronted with these painful forks in our life journey. In my journey as a therapist, I am learning much more how the genuine power of a person lies not so much in his or her effort to accomplish quick fixes and avoid negative emotions, but how power is birthed when we are able to sustain and confront the feelings of emptiness that we feel so often without trying to fill that void prematurely. This void can often be prematurely filled with a prestigious career, the amount of money sitting in the bank, our public appearances, social circles, a false ideal of romance, pretentious integrity, and this list can go on and on.  It is often true that when we are able to pause in the silent moments of seeing ourselves in the mirror as we are, that we may have a glimpse of our inner cries of unmet needs.  It is in this still moment that true power can be birthed - the hope of being healed, being restored, and being alive to dream and to become who we hope to be.  As I journey with the individuals, couples, and families that I come across through the various seasons of life, my hope is that our therapeutic work will inspire courage to discover the deep callings of their hearts and to boldly address their needs at its root.  Though this road is less traveled and often times quite painful and seemingly alone, there is hope at the end of the road and it is my honor to travel together with them toward it as we journey with the other travelers who are also on this same path. 

Hatty J. Lee

Oak & Stone Therapy offers individuals, couples, and families therapy for life's journey in Los Angeles, California.

Being Worthy of Trust


Meaningful Connections