When We Give Voice to Our Pain

When we don’t give voice to our pain, and make the connection of how our experiences impact who we believe we are, how we react and engage our lives, we are often left to shame ourselves, self-sabotage, and store the distress in our physiological bodies.

Giving voice to our experiences is one of the most compassionate and nurturing things we can do for ourselves during quarantine. When we don't make sense of what's happening outside of us and within us, we often end up turning on ourselves. .

We don't need to turn on ourselves to make sense of what's happening. We can pay attention to ourselves and process how the current situation is impacting us (emotionally, cognitively, physiologically, relationally, etc.), question the automatic old messages that are being retriggered, practice self-compassion, and take an empowering position of being able to make choices that reflect who we truly are...good enough, worthy, loveable, capable/worthy of connection, and empowered to make choices that increase safety reasonably during this time. .

Tell me, what do you notice has changed within you during quarantine?

Hatty J. Lee

Oak & Stone Therapy offers individuals, couples, and families therapy for life's journey in Los Angeles, California.  


Honest Conversations


Loving Ourselves Through Responsible Responses