Taking an Empowering Position during COVID-19

Checking in today with myself and with you all. I think it's easy to get lost in all the chaos and (mis)information that we are consuming from different resources related to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). It can bring up a mix of emotions that can lead to some very unhelpful reactions.

We can all feel empowered by being informed about the current situation from reputable resources and take responsible action collectively to decrease/slow the spread of the disease to support overwhelmed hospitals and the most vulnerable people who are being impacted by COVID-19.

For me, taking an empowering position in the midst of the current situation has looked like this:

Acknowledging and expressing my fears and anxieties with loved ones Staying up to date about the COVID-19 from reputable resources Setting boundaries around how long/how much I am consuming information Connecting with loved ones even if it means it's a facetime session or a phone call to express care and concern Continuing to engage in enjoyable activities (i.e. personal therapy, reading, writing, watching movies, playing games with my kids, spending quality time with loved ones, etc.) Taking care of my physical health and exercising Being intentional about keeping my environment sanitary and practicing good hygiene practices Offering telehealth videoconference sessions for all my clients at my practice to minimize the risk of transmitting the disease potentially Waiving cancellation fees related to illness or exposure to illness Adjusting my financial budget and spending practices to match the current changes Taking the time to educate my children about the disease and the importance of hygiene Being more intentional about the activities we participate in Minimizing unnecessary travel to avoid being infected by the disease and/or transmitting the disease to others

What has it meant for you to take on an empowering position in the midst of the impact of COVID-19?

Hatty J. Lee

Oak & Stone Therapy offers individuals, couples, and families therapy for life's journey in Los Angeles, California.  


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