Seeing Conflict as Opportunity

In any close or intimate relationship, we are bound to experience conflict. We often feel scared or anxious as soon as we experience conflict in a relationship. But conflict can teach us so much about ourselves and the other person we are in relationship. It can help deepen our understanding of what is happening inside of us, such as what we may be needing, and what the other person may need as well. Conflict can become an opportunity to learn to better love the person we are in relationship with over time. It can be that next step in the relationship that can help deepen the relationship and trust in the relationship, or it can also be a turning point where one or both individuals may decide to deflect responsibility or not respond to the needs of the relationship due to the fear and anxiety. We can choose how we want to handle the conflicts in our relationships. Try engaging the conflict differently and see how it influences the outcome.

Hatty J. Lee

Oak & Stone Therapy offers individuals, couples, and families therapy for life's journey in Los Angeles, California.

Conflict is Part of All Relationships


Learning to Trust